Learn, Nurture, Thrive
Business mentorship is one of the most proven ways to increase the chances of success for small businesses and entrepreneurs. A business mentor can truly share wisdom with you on an ongoing basis, and in a manner that can have a direct, positive impact on the growth of your business over time. The generic business advice you'll get from online publications will only go so far, and a good business mentor picks up right where that leaves off.
Business Management
Finances, Operations, Markets
As a business manager, you are given the major responsibility of managing administrative tasks for a business. As a new business, you will have to learn about marketing and sales. You will need to learn to perform a budget analysis in order to find out ways that the company can cut costs. You should have an astute understanding of accounting, marketing and administrative procedures that are required in order to run a business.
Funding Assistance
Investors, Funding, Networking
Finding funding channels can be an incredibly difficult task. In our current global economic crisis, even more so. Having access to private and government investors, angel investors, funding schemes, start-up competitions and networks is more important than ever. But where do you start? Our team of experts have years’ worth of experience and contacts in all industries to point you in the right direction, and help you refine your pitch to increase your chances of securing that much needed funding.
Community Interaction
Engage, Add value, Give back
At PM Skillshouse Foundation, we believe that empowering our communities through skills development is paramount to sowing a sustainable future. Every action we take has a reverberating impact on the world around us. By engaging with the local community, helping with food and water distribution, basic education and quality-of-life improvements, all businesses should strive to contribute in a positive way. We seek to actively live out this conviction in everything we do.

PM Skillshouse Foundation is a non-profit company that aims to provide assistance to small businesses through its recently established Enterprise Development (ED) Program. Its parent company is PM Skillshouse (Pty) Ltd.

Objectives of the PM Skillshouse Foundation Enterprise Development Programme:
To contribute towards the National Development Plan objective of reducing national unemployment rate.
Provide an Enterprise Development Programme through structured programmes of mentoring and incubations.
To enhance the competitiveness and supply capacity of participating enterprises by providing them with training, technical assistance, mentorship and other interventions which will enhance their capacity to access markets.
How the ED program will work?
The PM Skillshouse Foundation ED Program is a 24-month mentoring and coaching Program that will provide assistance to your business to help take it to the next level. Each business will get a tailored mentoring program based on the gaps and the needs of the business. The following will form part of the program:
One-on-one mentoring.
Group based bootcamps where experts will address the group on topics common to all business e.g. financial management.
Courses targeted at addressing challenges identified in each business.

Commitment that will be required from the participants.
An average of 2 hours a week for mentorship/ bootcamps/ courses that we will be designed for your business.
Access to virtual meetings – if this is a challenge – let us know.
Each participant will be required to share some of the successes in their businesses and how they managed to get over challenges they were facing. A big part of the ED program is for group sharing and learnings so that each business owner has platform where they can share their challenges or bounce off ideas they have.